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Composable Commerce: Progress, Challenges, and Possibilities

2023 Survey Report

Are you satisfied with your current ecommerce tech stack? Do you want to know how other organizations feel about composable commerce and the capabilities it does, or does not, offer? 

Our 2023 survey report examines data from more than 300 ecommerce leaders in Marketing and IT, and discusses the current tech trends, challenges for adopting them, and where the greatest opportunities remain.

"81% of respondents believe that frontend/storefront improvements are being constrained by a lack of development resources..." 

Explore how your peers are addressing key ecommerce challenges. Get access to the data by requesting a copy today!

Download Your Copy

Composable Commerce: Progress, Challenges, and Possibilities

2023 Survey Report

Are you satisfied with your current ecommerce tech stack? Do you want to know how other organizations feel about composable commerce and the capabilities it does, or does not, offer? 

Our 2023 survey report examines data from more than 300 ecommerce leaders in Marketing and IT, and discusses the current tech trends, challenges for adopting them, and where the greatest opportunities remain.

"81% of respondents believe that frontend/storefront improvements are being constrained by a lack of development resources..." 

Explore how your peers are addressing key ecommerce challenges. Get access to the data by requesting a copy today!